Student Life

Academic Excellence

Our teachers demonstrate an unwavering commitment to academic excellence throughout the year. Their collaborative efforts result in inspiring lessons that enable students to connect their learning to real-life experiences. Our students are provided with a wide range of thematic units, hands-on activities, and field trips that extend learning beyond the classroom.

In addition to prioritizing academic excellence, our teachers infuse the lessons of the Catholic faith into all subject areas, enriching our students’ educational experience. Students are challenged to work independently and collaboratively, allowing them to produce their best work.

Our teachers continuously improve their teaching practice and stay current with the latest best practices in the classroom. Seventy-five percent of our teachers hold a master’s degree or higher, a testament to their commitment to professional development. We are proud to have 100% of our current staff returning for the 2023-2024 school year, providing continuity and an opportunity to build on our success.